난터우 푸리 (Nantou Puli, 南投埔里 )

A mountain-top town serving as a great base for exploring the surrounding areas in Nantou.

Located in the mountainous county of Nantou, the town area at Puli is home to many attractions with great transportation links to major cities in Taiwan and around Nantou County.

The quality of the local spring water is well known in Taiwan, and is often used as a source for bottling water to sell throughout the island. The quality of the water has enticed many other businesses to the area, including paper-making and wine breweries.

Popular destinations nearby Puli include Sun Moon Lake its neighboring amusement park to the south, and Qingjing Farm to the north, as well as numerous attractions scattered around the town area.

Severely affected by a large earthquake in 1999, the town has since rebuilt itself with a focus on eco-tourism development. After the construction of a national highway, the town is easily accessible from Taichung by way of road NH6.